Monday, September 21, 2009

Stategic Poverty Reduction Plan (2009-2012)

The following is a summary of the visioning sessions which identify the strategies that were most likely to succeed.

Short Term (2009-2010)
Grow a flourishing community garden
Improved nutrition and food quality in the community
Create/update community calendar
Identify wireless/broadband customer base
Create community access center
Sponsor venues to show what town wants and will support through a
"floating" center
Create the Rock Creek Internet Cafe

Intermediate Term (2010-2011)
Educate people to use garden produce in nutritious and affordable ways and to
preserve the surplus
Create/expand town website
Identify wireless/broadband suppliers
Keep Horizons Blog up-to-date

Long Term (2011-2012)
Grow surplus food to be given to area food bank to help others and for
sale at Farmers Market
Negotiate a mutually agreeable boradband/wireless contract
Create a town placemat
Plan, finance, build/buy our own community center building

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