Monday, May 23, 2011

Flower Power Fundraiser Success

Thank you to all who helped with our first Flower Power fundraiser! The Rockford Community Center was able to make a profit of $575.00 which is fantastic for our first time trying this event. Again, thanks to those who purchased the project and helped spread the word on our event.
We will have another Flower Power fund raiser that will feature bulbs for fall planting. You can view the upcoming products at as the fall campaign will be starting soon. From that website you can search for the Rockford Community Center and then order products with your credit card. The products will get shipped directly to your home.
Remember the Rockford Community Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and we are dependent upon donations and fund raising events. If you would like to donate and have questions please feel free to contact any of our board members. My number is 220-6779.

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